Program: Simon Lamunière
Wedn. Feb. 4, 19h30
Thurs. Feb. 5, 21hTony Oursler - Joe Gibbons
Samir (in the presence of the artist)
Wedn. Feb. 11, 19h30
Thurs. Feb. 12, 21hDennis Oppenheim
Sophie Calle - Gregory Shephard
Wedn. Feb. 18, 19h30
Thurs. Feb. 19, 21hKlaus vom Bruch
Robert Morris / Dan Graham
Wedn. Feb. 25, 19h30
Thrus. Feb. 26, 21hWinners of the 7th IVW (1)
Winners of the 7th IVW (2)
Wedn. Mar. 4, 19h30
Thurs. Mar. 5, 21hJean-Luc Godard
Endurance 1
Wedn. Mar. 11, 19h30
Thrus. Mar. 12, 21hJean-Luc Godard
Endurance 2
Wedn. Mar. 18, 19h30
Thrus. Mar. 19, 21hJean-Luc Godard
Endurance 3
Wedn. Mar. 25, 19h30
Thurs. Mar. 26, 21hJean-Luc Godard
Endurance 4
Wedn. Apr. 1, 19h30
Thurs. Apr. 2, 21hUlrike Rosenbach / Bruce Nauman
Bill Viola