Version 2004 - SIMulation City


            Centre for Contemporary Images

For this year’s Version, several partnerships will bring together a number of additional institutions and groups with the Centre for Contemporary Images, giving rise to a network throughout the city meant to encourage dialog and exchange.

(see below...)

  • attitudes
    espace d’arts contemporains

    4 rue du Beulet, CH – 1203 Geneva
    +41(0)22 344 37 56, www.attitudes.ch

    23 october - 18 december 2004, Opening 23 october, we - sa 3pm -7pm and on appointement

    In order to celebrate its 10 years of activity, attitudes proposes an exhibition called SITUATIONS CONSTRUITES (Constructed Situations) which presents works by Silvia Buonvicini, Pierre-Philippe Feymond, Bob Gramsma, Fabrice Gygi, Eric Hattan, Vincent Lamouroux, Constantin Luser, Christian Robert-Tissot, Kristina Solomoukha and Alexia Turlin, a selection of 33 films and special evening programs with, among others, Yan Duyvendak, Frédéric Edelmann, Samuel Herzog, Pierre Lagrange, Paul Ouazan, La Ribot et Guy Tortosa.

  • Centre de la photographie
    16, rue G. Dufour, 1204 Geneva
    +41(0)22 329 28 35 cpg@centrephotogeneve.ch

    13 november -24 december 2004, Opening 12 november tu-fr 2-6pm sa 2-5pm

    Betrand Lamarche- Autobrouillard
    By turns explorer, inventor and engineer/narrator, Bertrand Lamarche is developing a half-real half-dream urban panorama, often working with scale models. «Autobrouillard» (literally Self-Fog) is a video installation that plunges us into an imaginary, nocturnal city. The static camera and absence of sound create a strange, disturbing climate over which a sense of being watched hangs. In conjunction with this piece a number of slides representing views of the city of Nancy, the starting point of the artist’s work here, will also be projected.

  • Piano Nobile
    10 Rue Lissignol - CP 1963 - 1211 Geneva
    +41 (0) 22 731 04 41 www.pianonobile.ch

    12 november - 18 december 2004, Opening 11 november 5-7pm, th-sa 3-7pm

    Cod.Act (André Décosterd, musicien-composer-visual artist and Michel Décosterd, architect-visual artist) ]Insofern[
    The installation ]Insofern[, a machine that incorporates a mobile scanner, offers a visual and aural exploration of a technologically complex material via manual interaction. The material in question, a silicone body through which a light beam shines, figures the four key zones of the human brain. Like a mass of nerves, the material can dilate and emit sounds. The entry of the scanner frees up fragments of the information imprisoned within its tissues, vestiges of a sensory contact with the outer world. The body gives rise to imagery that, among other interpretations, verges on a scale-model vision of the city. A town is thus probed, perceived in the broader sense of convolutions, a network of connections and codes in a state of interdependence with human beings.