11th Biennial of Moving Images
Centre for contemporary images

November 11th-19th 2005

            centre pour l'image contemporaine

Founded in 1985 as the “International Video Week,” the Biennial of Moving Images celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The festival is one of the oldest and most important events linked with video art and artist’s films, both in Switzerland and throughout Europe.

(see below...)

The Biennial offers local and international viewers a unique opportunity to discover a fast-growing artistic field through its extensive selection of videos, films, and installations.

The Biennial of Moving Images is a multifaceted event that boasts a wonderfully varied program. This 11th Biennial also features a special focus on the contemporary artistic output of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.

This year’s retrospectives are devoted to three major artists and filmmakers: Michel Auder (France), Stan Brackhage (USA), and, as part of the Biennial’s focus on South America, Raoul Ruiz (Chile). The retrospectives offer participants the chance to view a significant number of films by these three artists, clarifying current output in light of historically oriented films.

The film and video programs are given over to the work of young artists from Switzerland and abroad who already possess a significant body of films, which the Biennial would like to make known to a broader audience, as well as the latest work of established artists who have already figured in some of our earlier Biennials. A program of art-school films likewise offers viewers a glimpse into tomorrow’s output.

A related exhibition of installations will take place this year at Geneva’s Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMCO). The show will feature a large-scale presentation of works by well-known artists while consolidating links between Geneva’s art institutions. A series of shows is also scheduled to open in several partner venues of the Biennial of Moving Images in Geneva like the Centre d’Art Contemporain or Attitudes.

For the Biennial’s 20th anniversary, lectures and round-table discussions have also been programmed in order to provide a theoretical reflection on the event’s history and consequently on the history of artist films. These gatherings will enable members of the public, critics, and artists to come together and share points of view.

Indeed, in response to the wish on the part of artists and the public alike to have the chance to meet and interact, we are opening the space of the Center for Contemporary Images to a friendly informal salon as well as a video-viewing lounge that will allow visitors to watch on demand a panorama of recent works—the result of an invitation to several international distributors—in a setting created by the Swiss artists and designers Sabina Lanz and Daniel Baumann.

And the international competition, a key feature of the Biennial that has continued to grow since its inception (more than 1200 cassettes submitted in 2003), will help to bring to light current trends in art video and film. The international competition aims to compare and contrast personal works that clearly stand apart from traditional commercial or TV productions. No limits are set in terms of genre, language, or length of the works submitted. Participants may only submit one work. The latter must have been produced in 2004 or 2005. This year the Jury will award prizes worth about CHF 30000.- (euro 17500.-)
Rules for submitting works can be viewed and downloaded at www.centreimage.ch/bim, or will be sent to you simply by requesting a copy.
Attention: the new deadline for submitting works is 16 May 2005.

Finally, a richly illustrated bilingual catalog in French and English documenting many aspects of this event is also slated for publication.
