Olivier Blanckart
This is how contemporary artists regularly fall foul of the law and find themselves involved in litigation because of their appropriating other’s work and transposing it into the field of art. Who then is the owner of these images? The creator? The buyer of the object? The photographer? The artist? Or the public that enjoys the use of them?
The growing trend to legislate to the extreme and privatize the public domain raises very real questions as to the value and ownership of an image. What leeway in terms of freedom of expression remains to artists vis-à-vis a situation whose legal implications and restrictions that are ever more complex? Liberty versus protection, protection versus liberty. How are we paradoxically to protect the work of artists, who are themselves afraid of copies and often find themselves powerless when faced with a situation rife with conflict?
The protection afforded a work of art and an artist or writer through economic and moral rights is well known and clearly regulated. Yet a certain disconnect and mutual incomprehension characterize the relationship between contemporary art and law. The constant evolution of art and its transgressive nature clash with a well-established system of law and the difficulty it has with integrating and interpreting the work of art. Recycling, pastiche of images, reappropriation, remake, plagiarism or quotation, do the courts always make allowances for art? And at what price for artists?
Specialists in the legal issues involved in art and artmaking will be on hand to field questions throughout the symposium. They will provide informal answers any question touching on copyright law. Artists’ films and performances will also be presented. A practical a bilingual French/German guide to copyright law for artists, designers and other professionals in the field of art is scheduled for publication in the spring of 2005.
Charlotte Mailler
Friday 3 december 10am-12:30pm
Copyright and contemporary art: current situation and the issues at stake
Duties vis-à-vis the Image
Centre d’iconographie genevoise / Center for Genevan Iconography
The role of copyright management companies vis-à-vis contemporary art
Werner STAUFFACHER, head of the law department of ProLitteris, a Swiss copyright management company in Zurich
Image, to be or to have
Marie-José MONDZAIN, philosopher and director of research, CNRS, Paris
Artists and image law: practice and the law in Switzerland
Christian PIRKER, attorney and member of the Geneva bar, graduate of the Ecole du Louvre
Moderator: Agnès TRICOIRE, attorney and member of the Paris bar, specialist in intellectual property rights, and delegate of the Center for research in artistic freedom of speech, the League for Human Rights, Paris
Friday 3 december 2:30pm-5pm
Protection, legitimacy and protection limits
What legal protection(s) for contemporary art?
Edouard TREPPOZ, senior lecturer in law, University of Lyon III
Owning culture: artistic creation and transmission of cultural heritage
Dominique NOAH, advisor-researcher for the fine arts at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, member of IPJustice, an international civil liberties organization promoting balanced intellectual property laws, Canada
The protection of artists’ works under UK copyright law
Daniel MCCLEAN, lawyer, co-editor of Dear Images: art, copyright and culture, London
Copyright interpreted by artists: creativity vs. protection
Nathalie HEINICH, sociologist, researcher, CNRS, Paris
Moderator: Marc-André RENOLD, attorney, lecturer at the University of Geneva, co-director of the Art Law Center, Geneva, Lyon III
Saturday 4 december 10am-12:30pm
Freedom of speech, art and transgression, censorship
The censors’ tools
Agnès TRICOIRE, attorney and member of the Paris bar, specialist in intellectual property rights, and delegate of the Center for research in artistic freedom of speech, the League for Human Rights, Paris
Presentation of mediation and arbitrage as alternative methods for resolving conflicts in the field of art
Ignacio de CASTRO, Head of Information and External Relations Section, Arbitration and Mediation Center, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva
Criticism and truth
Stéphanie MOISDON, exhibition curator and art critic, co-director of the publishing and production firm of contemporary works of art, bdv-artview, Paris
A) Offensive forms vs. works of the imagination: the necessary immunity of art
B) Copyright vs. freedom of interpretation: the indisputable price of glory
Olivier BLANCKART, artist, Paris
Moderator: Christian PIRKER, attorney and member of the Geneva bar, graduate of the Ecole du Louvr
Saturday 4 december 2:30pm-5pm
Legitimacy of copyright, Net Art and copyleft
- Thinking on the foundations of intellectual property, from Proudhon to GNU
Dominique SAGOT-DUVAUROUX, economist, professor at Université d’Angers
- Libre software for the Freedom of Creation (in English)
JAROMIL, free software programmer, media artist, Italy
- The future of copyright law in the Internet age
Jacques DE WERRA, attorney, lecturer at the University of Geneva, co-director of the Art Law Center, Geneva
- copyright © 2004, cornelia sollfrank (in English)
Cornelia SOLLFRANK, artist, Hamburg/Celle
Moderator: Edouard TREPPOZ, senior lecturer in law, University of Lyon III
Organization : Centre for Contemporary Images, Saint-Gervais Geneva
Co-organization : Mamco, Geneva, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, Centre de la Photographie, Geneva, Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts HES, Geneva, Programme d’études postgrades CCC Haute école d’arts appliqués HES, Geneva, planet22, Geneva in collaboration with Hinrich Sachs
Project coordination : Charlotte Mailler
Legal coordination : Christian Pirker, attorney and member of the Paris bar, graduate of the Ecole du Louvre, Edouard Treppoz, senior lecturer in law, University of Lyon III
Partnerships: attitudes – espace d’arts contemporains, Geneva, Art Law Centre, Geneva, Activités Culturelles, Université de Genève
LEGAL INFORMATION STAND coordinated by Christian Pirker and Edouard Treppoz
The stand’s specialists in law and the field of art will be on hand to provide informal answers to practical questions concerning copyrights.
For one week following the symposium, Monday to Friday, 6 through 10 December, from noon to 2PM. Centre for Contemporary Images, 5 rue du Temple, 1201 Genève (s’annoncer
The stand’s representatives will also be on hand during the symposium and will gladly answer questions following each session.
Prices and inscriptions
Centre for Contemporary Images, Saint Gervais Geneva, 5 rue du Temple, 1201 Geneva,
Tel. +41 (0)22 908 20 00, cic@sgg.ch, www.centreimage.ch
2 days CHF 100.- / € 65.-
Reduced CHF 60 .- / € 40.-
1 day CHF 60.- / € 40.-
Reduced CHF 40.- / € 25.-
Reduced admission for students, senior citizens, the unemployed and participants 20 years and younger.
Registration recommended. Registered participants will be given priority during sessions with full attendance.
3 au 12 décembre 2004, de 12h à 18h
meate, nathalie perrin & stéphanie prizreni
Présentation du cd-rom «T.I.P. : The Interfacing Process» (Ed. activerat 2004) et installation interactive SPECIAL AGENT qui met en jeu les questions liées au copyright.
Le SPECIAL AGENT est un robot (perroquet) qui énonce à haute voix les messages reçus dans des e-mails; il lit les mots et les signes de ponctuation.
Avec la collaboration de Laurent Schmid et le soutien de sitemapping.ch/mediaprojects
5 rue du Temple, CH-1201 Genève
vendredi 3 décembre 2004, de 18h à 20h
Visite de l’exposition Situations construites pour les 10 ans d’attitudes.
Projection du film vidéo Schizo (redux) de Christophe Draeger, 2004, 89’, et lancement du
livre de Didier Rittener Libre de droits (coédition Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts HES de Genève,
Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Saint-Gervais Genève, attitudes - espace d’arts contemporains, Genève)
ATTITUDES - espace d’arts contemporains
4 rue du Beulet, CH-1203 Genève
samedi 4 décembre 2004, dès 20h
Vernissage de l’exposition de Hinrich Sachs
22 rue de Berne, CH-1201 Genève