Historical website
of the Centre
pour l'Image

Version bêta
31 October - 14 December 2008

Andrea Polli, Sonic Antartica project, weather station on the Taylor glacier in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, © Andrea Polli 2008

Presentations, comparisons

Brian Holmes, Alessandro Ludovico, Bureau d'études : Xavier Fourt and Léonore Bonaccini, Gerrit Gohlke and Relax : Daniel Hauser, Andrea Polli, Florian Dombois, Artists in Labs : Jill Scott, Luis Blackaller, Ulrich Fischer, Eléonore Hellio, Caroline Bernard, SymbioticA : Jane Coakley, Mouna Andraos, Locus Sonus : Alejandro Duqué et Peter Sinclair.

Historical website
of the Centre
pour l'Image